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Year 5 - Birch Class 24/25

Deep in the Jungle - Spring

During Spring term, Year 5 will describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird and study the changes as humans develop to an old age. In Art, we will be focusing on Frida Kahlo's self portraits. In Geography, we will locate the world's countries using maps to focus on North and South America and will concentrate on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities. In our Music lessons, we will be learning to play the Ukulele.


Year 5 are currently reading...

Key Documents for Parents

 Grammar Glossary Year 5.pdfDownload
 My Writing in Year 5.pdfDownload
 Overview for parents for Spring Term.pdfDownload
 Spring homework grid.pdfDownload
 Welcome letter Y5 24-25.pdfDownload
 Wizard in Training Booklet.docxDownload
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Reading - children are expected to read at least 4 times per week. You can help by asking your child about what s/he is reading.  Reading record to be signed by parent/carer. Records are checked in class every Friday ready for Celebration Assembly. 

Let's get 100% reads every week!

Spelling - new spellings are sent home every Friday, which are to be practised at home in your Spelling book. We will test a number of these spellings through a spelling dictation on a Friday. Spelling records will need to be in school on a Friday to be checked and new spellings to be put in. 

Times Tables - In Year 5,  we hope that pupils will be fluent in all times tables and division facts up to 12 x 12. We advise regular practise using 'Hit the Button' at home. 

Homework grid - Please see the homework grid in the file list with a variety of topic-based activities. You should complete 4 of these each term, these can be handed in whenever they are completed.